Help, Looking for new Job.
I am urgently seeking a remote position that pays a decent wage and matches my skill set. I recently had to quit my job due to on-site arsenic poisoning. While I am starting a new business, it will take some time to turn a profit, and I need to support myself in the meantime. I am also applying locally for any position hiring, but I know my value is more than just retail and I would prefer working in my field.
I am desperate.
I lost a large chunk of my work portfolio in a hard drive crash after the divorce. My ex had my backups and probably wiped them. The rest of my work is covered by NDAs at my past jobs, so I don't have copies to show for the 4 years I was at ABR.  I'm starting over from scratch to rebuild my portfolio.
If I have done work for you in the past please leave a review on my shop page, or LinkedIn
I'm looking for a senior graphic designer position that pays at least $80,000 per year for a make-me-move salary, and willing to relocate at that rate. I'm also open to remote work and would consider a lower rate for a senior art director position if I am working from home. My last job paid me less than half the going rate for my level of experience, I know my worth for this job and would just like to be paid fairly. In that position, I did the job for four employees and was not given the resources I needed to truly grow the business, I managed the shop, maintained all equipment, managed other employees, and was the sole artist, designer, and client services representative.
I need to find a job that will cover my rent, bills, and food. I also need to start replenishing my savings and paying off the medical bills from the time I lost being unable to work due to the poisoning.

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