Black NZ mix Buck 5 months
Mario Black NZ mix Buck 5 months
Orian Broken Black NZ mix Buck 5 months
Broken Black NZ mix Buck 5 months
Broken Black NZ Buck 5 months
Rabbits that are placed in pet only home are on a spay and nuter contract becuse they have some defect and must never be bred. Defects for pets include :
Rabbits will be nutered at new owner exspense and picked up at the vet after sugery. Average cost of a rabbit neuter is $250 -$300 in Bloomington IN . ($ 175~ for the sugery + the cost of anethesia, aftercare, and pain meds, as per what I was quoted by Blomington Vet Hospital) You are free to choose your own vet if you can get a better price or have a perfered Doctor, but the rabbit will be delivered to the hospital on the scheduled spay or nuter date.
Transportation Cost is Gas + .10 cents per mile round trip.